Help a victim. Inspire a survivor.
With the help of donors like you, Project Hope provides essential services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault such as:
shelter | emergency food | counseling | legal aid | and more
Volunteers are the heart of our organization, providing pathways to safety for survivors. Volunteers are trained to assist with:
crisis line | emergency supply kits | outreach and education | and more
We’re always looking for pro bono support as well, such as:
licensed therapists | attorneys | medical professionals
Urgent and Ongoing Needs
$50 Safeway/ City Market gift cards
New, unused Straight Talk phones & data cards
Other Ways to Give
Join our Board of Directors and help guide the future of Project Hope. Project Hope will not discriminate against anyone seeking a position on the Board of Directors, as a paid staff member, licensed professional, volunteer, or client on the basis of race, creed, color, sexual orientation, religion, sex, national origin, mental and physical disability, or age.